Warning:  This website may upset those who are under the spell of Trump, because it is a little extreme.


But as Barry Goldwater who was a real Republician said :


"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!


And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue"





The election results are in.  Joe Biden received more popular votes and electoral votes, and was declared the winner.  But President Donald Trump has alleged election fraud and declared the election null and void.  He declared martial law and sent out military troops to arrest and confiscate ballots in all states that he did not win.  Any one objecting to his executive order will be detained in prison, until the Senate confirms his five new nominees to the Supreme Court, due to the arrest the justices who opposed him.   The Republican party  has succumbed to his dictates, and Mitch McConnell has been appointed to head the transition team.  The top command of the US military has also been confined to quarters for not obeying his executive order for martial law. 


Intelligent Americans will probably not believe this announcement is true, but is it so impossible to imagine with that crazy, arrogant, dishonest  guy would try to pull something like this off ? 





Donald Trump is so much like Adolf Hitler.  He admires and supports other dictators and nationalists.  They use the same techniques to influence, intimidate and destroy opponents.   Assassination by Twitter, false claims, and slander are the weapons used to harass and eliminate his enemies.  Anyone who dares to challenge him or question him is attacked,  destroyed or purged.  Criminals and cronies that are his friends are pardoned and releases.  Bill Barr is willing to use the power of the Justice Department to obstruct justice and harass opponents.  Most Republicans are afraid to challenge him, and his supporters continue to worship him and pledge loyalty to him,.  They are nothing more than Nazi collaborators and sympathizers. Hitler's strategy of divide and conquer is copied by Trump.  In June, Trump  used the military to attack citizens much like Hitler did when  amassing  control.  Could Trump  refuse to accept his loss in the November election.  Will he call out the Army to arrest Joe Biden? 

Books to read

Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler by Horace Bloom confronts this taboo with responsibility, entering into a serious examination of the political histories of the Third Reich and our own time. Bloom's work isn't a diatribe, but carefully pays attention to both the similarities and differences between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, and the contexts in which they have risen to power.

Frederick Weller comments:

In order to solidify power, Hitler abolished the judiciary in Germany. President Trump is in the process of stacking the federal courts (including the Supreme Court) with judges who share his ideology. The same effect results — no justice.

Hitler had his concentration camps with Reinhard Heydrich to oversee them. Trump has his detention centers with Stephen Miller in charge. Same effect.

Hitler was a racist. Jews, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals and the afflicted were sent to the camps. Trump’s ban on Muslims, his tirade against four congresswomen of color who stood up to him, his rhetoric regarding Baltimore’s black people — asserting that they are somehow subhuman — clearly brand him as a white supremacist racist.

Both Hitler and Trump demanded personal loyalty instead of loyalty to country and constitution.



How to properly salute the dictator

Raise your right hand, middle finger raised vertically

Shout three time in unison

Hell No -- Donald Hitler…

Hell No -- Donald Hitler…

Hell No -- Donald Hitler…





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